Volunteer Medical Corps is also known as the ‘International LoveWorld Volunteer Medical Network Community’. This unique medical mission is committed to providing medical care for the body and soul. They identify community needs and deliver effective medical solutions with all their hearts.


It is comforting to know there is a network of Christian medical professionals in every nation who work tirelessly to deliver services where there is a need. The Volunteer Medical Corps or VMC has doctors, nurses, paramedics and students able to go to communities and provide medical assistance in times of disaster as well as where service is scant.


VMC outreach report


Providing medical care to remote communities


The VMC Abuja Ministry Center carried out a far-reaching medical outreach in collaboration with the LoveWorld Graduate Network in the Galadimawa community Abuja FCT, Nigeria. Here many non-communicable diseases have been identified as key health problems. This was based on a comprehensive assessment of the needs of this community. As a result, there was a need to provide health education and free screening for chronic medical conditions like hypertension and diabetes mellitus by the dedicated team of volunteers.


Residents were also educated in ways to prevent exposure and the spreading of the Lassa virus. This virus is the cause of a public health concern known as Lassa Fever. As a result of the caring ministration, 53 souls were won to Christ. Each new soul received copies of the daily devotional known as ‘Rhapsody of Realities’ and a book entitled ‘Now That You Are Born Again To The Glory Of God.’


Taking care of body and soul


The Buea Chapter of the VMC carried out a mega outreach to the patients of the Buea Regional Hospital, Cameroon. In all hospitals across the globe visitors who provide comfort and words of encouragement are an important part of the healing process.


Hospital visits are always welcome


The volunteers visited 230 patients during their outreach. They also distributed 140 copies of the Rhapsody of Realities daily devotional and gave out lots of gift items to the sick. There is no doubt that this will aid their recovery.  The spirit of the Holy Ghost was felt by many and this resulted in 120 souls being won to Christ. If you think you would like to participate in such an outreach kindly register your interest here.


Ongoing outreaches


People living in the Iddo Community, Abuja had a healthcare outreach program. VMC volunteers provided community health education classes on topics such as disease prevention and cancer awareness. Anti-helminthic or deworming drugs were administered to children over the age of 2 and to adults.

In addition, hundreds of copies of ‘Rhapsody of Realities’ daily devotional were distributed to all who attended the outreach. A total of 97 souls were won that day and many were filled with the Holy Spirit. The VMC celebrates the amazing volunteer who save and improve lives on a daily basis. If you are able to support these volunteers by donating funds to provide the requisite equipment you can do so by clicking here.


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