What is it about?

As the world has been hit by they global pandemic of COVID-19, governments around the world have taken measures to curb the spread of the virus, such as self isolation, social distancing, closure of businesses, travel bans, restricted movements and more. The victims of COVID-19 are not just the infected, but also those whose livelihoods have been cut short as a result of these preventative measures, particularly the indigent and vulnerable families. These are the people that bear the brunt and their children are experiencing hunger in isolation. In response, the Inner City Mission, under the auspices of the Chris Oyakhilome Foundation International (COFI), have embarked on an emergency food relief intervention to reach out to needy and vulnerable children who have been affected by the recent preventative measures of lock down of the nation. The collection of the food will be distributed to thousands of affected families.



A Team Effort

Preparations were well underway to enable distribution to thousands of families, for the Inner City Mission COVID-19 emergency food response. The progress and success towards the COVID-19 Emergency Food Response was truly a team effort. Volunteers worked tirelessly to ensure the huge pile of food items were packaged speedily and made ready for distribution to thousands of vulnerable households. Special acknowledgement to all the Volunteers on ground, who are ensured the quick packaging for distribution in the shortest time possible to thousands of poor and needy households in hot spots around the world.


Preparation of the Inner City Mission COVID-19 Emergency Food Response


Volunteers working together to enable distribution of food to thousands of needy families


Commemorate a special day

Special acknowledgement must be given too to the gifters for achieving 100% in their fundraising campaign. Through their campaign they’ve provided much needed food items for the needy especially at this time. If you have a special day you would like to commemorate, you can set up a fundraising campaign that would provide towards the Inner City Mission COVID-19 relief, benefiting needy households who are stranded with little hope for food as a result of the lock down in many countries. This is guaranteed to make a difference in so many lives and make your day extra special.  https://fundraise.theinnercitymission.ngo


You can sponsor 1 family, 10 families, 100 families or a community


Emergency Relief for COVID-19

As we look forward to the days ahead with hope and confidence, we will move to the next phase of our Global Food Drive distribution across the world, where emergency food items and the provision of portable hand washing kits through our #cleanhandshealthyhands initiative, are shared to orphanages, IDP camps, shelters for the homeless and the slums of our communities where there are poor children and families. We are counting on you to join forces with us to ensure we reach many more hungry children at this time.


#CleanHandsHealthyHands initiative during COVID-19 emergency relief


Remember, every child is your child! Help children, don’t ignore children. They are our extension, they are our future. No matter how dirty or untouchable they are, think again, one day you were just that small, but you were fortunate to have someone help you, many of these are fortunate to have us if we would only open our hearts, our minds, our eyes and ignore them no more. We need to help give them a home, we need to help give them an education, we need to help cloth them. As small as they are, as needy as they are, as frustrated as they are, they have dreams, we can help make those dreams come true. Rev Dr Chris Oyakhilome (D.Sc., D.D.) 2004.

We are doing so much, but with your help we can do a whole lot more, to make a donation, please click here – https://theinnercitymission.ngo/donate/. To be a part of our Humanitarian Volunteer network, click here – https://hvn.theinnercitymission.ngo/


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