The Chris Oyakhilome Foundation International (COFI) commemorated the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty on the 17th of October.  Despite the rise in the number of people living in poverty, we believe that everyone deserves to live in dignity. The InnerCity Mission (ICM) through her programs and initiatives is committed to ending extreme poverty and creating a world where every child has equal opportunities to thrive and fulfill their God-given potential. Building forward means no one is left behind. Every child has a dream, even children in the most forgotten places.


Poverty is not solely an economic issue, but a phenomenon that encompasses a lack of both income and the basic capabilities to live in dignity. The word poverty is used to describe a state of not having enough resources to cater to one’s basic needs. Globally, over 700 million people live in extreme poverty with women and children as the vulnerable groups.


The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in devastating socio-economic disasters, reversing decades of progress in the fight against poverty. As we embark on the post-COVID recovery and getting back on track with the Sustainable Development Goals.


People living in poverty experience many interrelated deprivations that prevent them from realizing their rights and perpetuate their poverty, the fight against poverty isn’t only charity, it’s about lending your voice to the plight of the indigent in our world.



Eradicating Poverty


Eradicating poverty has always been a top priority at the InnerCity Mission. The InnerCity Mission has had remarkable achievements over the years, which are clear testimonies of the unwavering commitment to finding lasting solutions to the issue of poverty.


The InnerCity Mission, with the support of the Chris Oyakhilome Foundation International, development footprint spans over 60 countries, providing sustainable solutions to issues caused by poverty through their programs and interventions, supported by a global network, committed donors, and selfless volunteers.


“Global poverty is one of the very worst problems that the world faces today”, confirmed founding father, Chris Oyakhilome, “the poorest in the world are often hungry, have much less access to education, regularly have no light at night, and suffer from much poorer health. Making progress against poverty is, therefore, one of the most urgent global goals.”


The Chris Oyakhilome Foundation International (COFI), was founded by Chris Oyakhilome, to help individuals, communities, and nations lead purposeful and productive lives. Poverty is a concept intrinsically linked to welfare. The same international organizations that set the poverty line made it a global goal to end extreme poverty. Goal number one of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), agreed on by all nations in the world, is the “eradication of extreme poverty for all people everywhere”.


Over the years, the programs and interventions of COFI and ICM, in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have impacted the lives of millions of indigent beneficiaries mostly children around the world in underserved, hard-to-reach communities.


Chris Oyakhilome, the President of LoveWorld Inc, made a profound statement “Every Child is your Child”, believes in the future of indigent children, and taking action to reach and meet their needs is one of the core motivations. He went on to say: “They are our extension, they are our future. No matter how dirty or untouchable they are, think again, one day you were just that small, but you were fortunate to have someone help you, many of these are fortunate to have us if we would only open our hearts, our minds, our eyes and ignore them no more. We need to help give them a home, we need to help give them an education, we need to help cloth them. As small as they are, as needy as they are, as frustrated as they are, they have dreams, we can help make those dreams come true.”


One of the biggest contributors to ending poverty is ensuring children have an education. For any child, education can open doors to the future that would otherwise be locked tight.


The InnerCity Mission carries out humanitarian relief in collaboration with other member agencies of the foundation. Through this, they provide humanitarian aid to victims of crises, affected by natural and manmade disasters such as wars, health crises, and other emergency situations around the world by empowering indigent children with education, providing monthly food support for vulnerable households, and empowering families around the world with skills and grants to start small scale businesses.


Poverty is not natural! Ending it is a choice, take action by supporting our programs and initiatives today.



#EradicationOfPoverty #COFI #IDEP2021



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