Chris Oyakhilome, the founder of the Chris Oyakhilome Foundation International (COFI), reminds us that one of the most central values in Christianity is the concept of giving. Through giving, the Word of God ensures constant and continues economic prosperity.

Many people overlook the importance of giving, but we are told that in the eyes of God, it is more blessed to give than to receive.

Love and Kindness are Never Wasted at the InnerCity Mission.

One Billion Meals Campaign

When the Esteemed Chairman of the InnerCity Mission (ICM) Rev. Tom Amenkhienan addressed the public about the One Billion Meal Campaign he said:

“The One Billion Meal Campaign is a God idea, so while evil men plot their wicked agenda to create an artificial food scarcity, suffering, violence, and death, The InnerCity Mission and partners would through this campaign, channel God’s goodness, unfailing love and his infinite abundance to the indigent.”

Rev. Tom Amenkhienan continued to say: “The One Billion Meals Campaign is an answer to your heart’s cry. You have been looking for how to serve God, you have been looking for how to serve others; The One billion meals campaign is the answer! …and as you go on, some of you will find out that you can sponsor 1 million meals, 1 thousand meals, or even just a meal, and you will make the difference when you fill a hungry stomach.”

This campaign is a means through which we will get the gospel to the ends of the earth, wherever the indigent can be found. 1 Billion Meals, 1 Billion Souls, 1 Billion Praises to God!

The Director of the InnerCity Mission, Esteemed Pastor Omoh Alabi in her welcome speech said:

“They say hunger is the world’s most solvable problem and through the One Billion Meals campaign, we would be showing the world how to solve the issue of hunger collectively and as individuals, in the name of Jesus, and this guarantees lasting impact.”

A well-known motivational speaker said: “If you can’t do great things, do small things in a great way.”

The InnerCity Mission bases its values on the principle that love and kindness are never wasted. They always make a difference. They bless the one who receives them, and they bless you the giver.

Be excited about giving

There is nothing more rewarding in life than being able to share with others what one has to give. The enormous satisfaction of giving is a gift of great value that we must cultivate. There are a million possibilities on how a person can give to others in need.

Always be excited about giving. Be motivated to give all the time, for whatever you give shall be multiplied back to you.

Chris Oyakhilome takes every opportunity to remind us to give to others. “The blessing is for the giver, therefore make up your mind to keep giving, and always out-give your past. A giver is an automatic receiver because the more you give the more you receive. Never become tired of giving, and when you give don’t complain. Instead, be the one the Bible describes in 2 Corinthians 9:7(AMP) a cheerful, joyous, “prompt to do it” giver, whose heart is in his giving. The measure with which you give is the measure with which you’ll receive. Therefore, always give lavishly and bountifully, for that’s the secret of receiving and living in the overflow of God’s blessings.”

Support this campaign today and make a difference to billions of people.