The InnerCity Mission is a Non-Governmental Organisation[NGO] in consultative status with the United Nations, functioning within the Chris Oyakhilome Foundation. Our partner, the InnerCity Mission is constantly working to create further opportunities for underprivileged children and families. The ‘inner city’ refers to the forgotten places that have not received the attention and support needed from the government in order to promote and sustain safe and healthy conditions for their citizens. The inspiring story of twins, Daniel and Olivia reminds us of why we are here, and just how desperate so many people are for such a system of support, as they’ve had.



Soon after their birth, Daniel and Olivia’s mother passed away and it was up to their father to raise them in some of the most difficult living situations in Ghana. Daniel and Olivia’s father made the decision for his family to move to Nigeria in hopes of finding a better life. Unfortunately, things did not get much easier and they found themselves facing a long and uphill battle.


Having to experience the uncertainty of your next meal or place where you will lay your head to sleep at night is a difficult reality. To experience such uncertainties as a young child can be completely traumatizing. Olivia shares with the InnerCity Mission that she would lie awake and wonder why life was so hard for them.



After being introduced to the InnerCity Mission, children just like Daniel and Olivia instantly feel their life long prayers and concerns being answered as the way is made for a brighter life. Daniel expressed when they were put in connection with the InnerCity Mission, it was the end of their hardships. He continues, “Our father didn’t have to worry about us anymore. We were enrolled in InnerCity Mission school and fed daily.” A hopeful future that was unseen for so many years is now tangible and in reach.


Through receiving proper education, love, and support these children now have what they need to do so much more for their communities and families they ever thought could be possible. The InnerCity Mission does not only assist students in academic efficiency but completely redefines their dreams of having a purpose-filled future. Daniel and Olivia expressed being showered with love throughout their years with the InnerCity Mission school and have moved on to study in the higher institutions now. They are forever thankful for the mission. It is only by the support of our partners and the endless grace of God that Olivia and Daniel have a such a strong, bright future.



If the support that Daniel and Olivia have received could cause such a positive and powerful shift in their lives, how much more can this support influence a shift in society? In the next generation? The InnerCity Mission does not just save people from poverty but strives towards breaking the cycle of poverty with sustainable solutions and intentional care. Help today, save a future. Daniel, Olivia, and so many others are forever changed and grateful for the assistance and help of the InnerCity Mission.




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