It’s a new dawn of salvation, prosperity, blessings, and change for indigent children and families living in inner-cities.


It was the Gospel Outreach to many InnerCity locations (GO2INC), and time for a great harvest of souls as many give their hearts to Christ.  Partners and volunteers at the InnerCity Mission (ICM) are committed to converting these souls into active members in our churches. The specialized global Outreach is the contribution of the InnerCity Mission and Partners to reach and win 5 Billion souls this year by taking the gospel to the inner-cites, slums, villages, and other places where the indigent and marginalized can be found. Gospel Outreach to the inner-cities takes the priceless gift of salvation to the indigent, vulnerable and downtrodden in the inner-cities and underserved communities around the world to contribute to the 5 Billion Mandate.



Bible For All Is The Ultimate Mission


The Chris Oyakhilome Foundation International (COFI) is proud to support the vision of the Bible for All Mission (BFAM) to make the powerful Word of God accessible to every person. It is our hope that through this fruitful partnership, Bible for All Mission will be able to successfully carry out its efforts in the service of God.


Many areas of the world are affected by humanitarian disasters, both natural and man-made as evident by the global pandemic caused by COVID-19. The message of hope and comfort found in the Bible can alleviate some of the trauma suffered. Having access to the word of God during inexplicable times can serve as a tool for counseling and empowerment.


As it is written in Mark 16:15: “And he said to them, Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation,” the vision of Chris Oyakhilome has actualized. As a member agency of COFI, the Bible For All Mission has taken those words and used them with much sensitivity.


About the BFAM


It “is a Christian faith-based and non-profit organization, committed to the development, production and global distribution of the Bible to men and women in the language and format they understand; thereby helping them learn God’s Word and experience His life-changing message. The Mission holds a strong conviction that the solution to all of man’s problems is revealed in God’s Word.”


This is an NGO that has a dedicated team of volunteers and sponsors who are skilled in Bible outreach. They have a  unique insight into the needs of the people they tend to. “For you remember, brothers, our labor and toil: we worked night and day, that we might not be a burden to any of you, while we proclaimed to you the gospel of God” (1 Thessalonians 2:9).


BFAM  “continue to distribute hundreds of thousands of free copies of the Rhapsody Bible to communities, hospitals, prisons, private and government institutions in several countries around the world, including Gambia, Ghana, Nigeria, South Africa, Philippines, Brazil, Egypt, Poland, Cambodia, Sri Lanka, and Turkey.


The Bible talks about missions as being a service to God. The natural fruit of Christian worship is taking the gospel to the nations. Creation itself yearns to hear the gospel spoken. There are people and needing something to bring them hope, and to bring them the message of Christ so that God can work in their broken hearts. The Bible is the greatest book of all time and every person should have access to at least a copy.


“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” (Galatians 6:9)


Bibles distributed by the Bible for All Mission have helped victims of natural and man-made disasters find hope and solace in the Lord’s divine mercy. The Mission’s Bible Network has provided those in desolate circumstances with true and lasting comfort and given them strength through the message of salvation in God’s Word.