With global hunger statistics still high the Inner-City Mission is looking to reduce them. With one person in nine recorded at being hungry, there is still much to do to drive those figures down.  If one out of six children is underweight due to poverty in developing countries, we are compelled to alleviate that plight.


A solvable problem


The Inner-City Mission Global Food Drive is a 72-hour event taking place from the 20th to the 22nd of March 2020. During this time all dedicated and wonderful partners and partnering organizations will be part of a coordinated simultaneous Food and Fund Drive.


We all need to work together to end world hunger


The aim of this is to raise large volumes of food for distribution to people and families in need. The donated items will go to children in orphanages or IDP Camps. Some food will be donated to local food banks in needy communities all around the world.


For as little as thirty cents you can feed a child


At the click of a button, a $10 donation would allow thirty children to feel full. You can be part of a global movement to feed the hungry by donating money to the Inner-City Mission.


There is a list of food items you can donate. Grains, pulses, fresh produce, and packaged items are all needed to make simple yet filling and nutritious meals for those who go hungry. Be a part of this movement of people working to eradicate hunger. The Inner-City Mission website has a list of food items to select from. Choose a food item to donate knowing your donation will feed many people who have not been in receipt of food.


It is happening right now


The Inner-city Mission Global Food Drive was officially launched in Christ Embassy Botswana. The brethren came bearing food items with more to come by March 20th. The call to action is being answered with love and compassion.


The food drive in Bostwana was a huge success with more food pledged


Inner-City Global Food Drive launch happened live across all the churches in Lagos, Nigeria. They have taken the bold step of reaching out to the needy and the poor in and around the neighborhood with food items. In doing so they are taking steps to end poverty and hunger.


Every child is your child


Did you know that poor nutrition causes a staggering 45%   of deaths in children under five? What that means is 3.1 million children each year die because they do not get enough food. These numbers are too high. Without our action, this will continue to be the reality for many children around the world.


Take a stand against hunger today, join the Inner-City Mission Global Food Drive campaign by clicking on the link- https://fooddrive.theinnercitymission.ngo



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