The InnerCity Mission introduced its first-ever Community Mentor’s Summit last week. One hundred past mentees were officially inducted as the mentoring centers were launched in the communities. The Child Mentoring program of the InnerCity Mission helps indigent children to develop their potential, character, and improve their spiritual and academic development through long-term one-on-one mentoring. This program will ensure that these newly inducted leaders will commence mentoring programs in over 20 communities. They will execute Inner City Mission projects within their communities, and introduce new mentees, thereby helping to reach more children this year.


The dictionary defines the word mentorship as the activity of giving a younger or less experienced person advice or help over a period of time, especially focusing on school or work.


InnerCity Mission launches the first Community Mentorship Summit.


If we consider the belief that the gift of giving is for the giver, as outlined by the founding father of the Chris Oyakhilome Foundation International (COFI), Chris Oyakhilome, then mentorship is a symbiotic relationship. The mentor acts as a role model for the mentee, but mentoring relationships are beneficial to both parties involved. For the mentee, mentoring can help develop new skills, build a larger network, reflect on and solve past scenarios, and have an example to look up to.


For the mentor, it serves as a way to give back and is an important development and learning experience. If you’ve ever had to explain something to somebody, you probably noticed that you have to think it through and clean up your explanation to make it easy for another person to understand. You become more competent as a mentor when you are forced to generalize your advice to somebody based on numerous experiences. Being put in the position of a role model can help mentors become better leaders and instill confidence in their leadership ability. Mentoring can also be a big ego boost. It can help increase the sense of self-worth that a mentor has because they will be able to see how their skills and abilities can help someone else.


One of the acts of love during the month of February “Acts of Love” campaign was mentoring a child. Mentoring allows you to help a child with their confidence and self-esteem, as studies have proven that children thrive beyond their disadvantage under mentorship. Their behavior and relationship skills improve significantly.



Mentees become Mentors


The InnerCity Mission for Children carries out social change in vulnerable and underserved communities through their child mentoring program, helping at-risk children realize their potentials and build a great future.


An example of a real-life transformation from mentee to mentor is Sarah Aguele, who was 13 years when she joined the InnerCity Mission Child Mentoring Program. She is now 17 years and mentoring children in 2 underserved communities in South-West Nigeria.


Sarah Aguele giving back to her community.


Sheyi Okunoye was also a mentee 15 years ago in the InnerCity Mission center in Majidun community. Today he testifies on the impact of our Child Mentoring Program in his life. Mr. Sheyi studied English Language and graduated with a first-class honor. Now he is the principal of OJ schools in Ogijo community, southwest Nigeria. This is all due to the partners and sponsors that have made it possible.


Sheyi Okunoye shares his success story


#EndChildPovertyNow #EveryChildIsYourChild





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