“Every child is your child”, was a profound statement made by our founder Chris Oyakhilome in 2004. This statement birthed the InnerCity Mission for Children (ICM), under the auspices of the Chris Oyakhilome Foundation International (COFI).

“Remember, every child is your child! Help children, don’t ignore children. They are our extension; they are our future. No matter how dirty or untouchable they are, think again. You were just that small one day, but you were fortunate to have someone help you. Many of these are fortunate to have us if we would only open our hearts, our minds, and our eyes and ignore them no more. We need to help give them a home, we need to help educate them, we need to help clothe them. As small as they are, as needy as they are, as frustrated as they are, they have dreams. We can help make those dreams come true!”

Founder, The InnerCity Mission: Rev Dr. Chris Oyakhilome (D.Sc., D.D.) 2004

The Mission statement on the website for the InnerCity Mission states:

”To create an environment where every child survives lives above poverty and becomes an active participant in socio-economic development irrespective of race, color, or gender. Through our Education, Food, Livelihood, Healthcare, Advocacy, Shelter, and Humanitarian Aid programs, we strive to ensure indigent children and poor families succeed in life by providing them with Christ-centered care and sustained solutions to issues caused by poverty.”

“ We envision a world, free of poverty, where every child has equal opportunities to thrive and fulfill their God-given potential.”

Poverty, hunger, and education are inextricably linked

The InnerCity Mission Feeding Program focuses on child nutrition and food security for indigent families in vulnerable conditions. We offer various feeding programs which include: Food Banking system, School Feeding, Food Assistance for Families and Orphanages, Soup kitchens, and Community feeding Outreaches.

Throughout this month, join us to #SendPortions to children who have nothing prepared for them. Our Food Banks & Pantries are open to receiving deposits of food from our partners, and you can also sponsor meals here.

At the InnerCity Mission, we believe that education is also a fundamental right for every child, yet, there are several factors, among them are poverty and violence, limiting millions of children and young people in continents and regions around the world from getting an education.

“With a focus on free Primary and Early Childhood Education, The InnerCity Mission Education Program is holistic. We believe that quality learning for developing indigent children requires adequate learning tools, safe and friendly environment, qualified and motivated teachers, and much more.”

The 5 pillars of our Education Program are; The InnerCity Mission Primary Schools, Back to School Campaign, Education in Emergencies, LoveWorld Teachers Training Institute, and the Girl Child Education.

The InnerCity Mission School is a direct platform that offers tuition-free early childhood education as well as uninterrupted access to 6-year formal primary education for indigent children irrespective of gender, race, religion, and ethnicity. The ever-expanding network of schools currently has 8 campuses in West Africa- Nigeria and in South East Asia- India.

To complement the free tuition and provision of educational tools in our charity schools, children also receive free daily school meals.

We are proud and ecstatic to be celebrating our 8th valedictory ceremony. On the 21st of July, the InnerCity Mission network of schools is set to host its 8th Valedictory ceremony and we are so thrilled to be graduating another set of pupils whose dreams you made come true because of your partnership. We are truly grateful to all our valuable partners and sponsors who have helped make this happen.