The many highlights for 2019 will usher in hope for the future. As the Children of the Hope and Faith Home for Children with special needs in Kenya had a great time this Christmas as the InnerCity Mission visited them bearing gifts through the Send Portions with a gift campaign. Every year the InnerCity Mission and partners reach out to several thousands of indigent children in orphanages, inner cities, IDPs, hospitals to spread the Christmas cheer. This year the response was exceptional.


Picture the joy


There are many awesome photos that sum up the different impacts made by the Chris Oyakhilome Foundation International. COFI has many volunteers made the work a lot easier this year. At the Inner-City Mission for Children, a total of 3300 volunteers carried out numerous interventions on our behalf in 11 countries of the world reaching over 7000 persons of which 4900 were children. In 2020, with more lands to reach, we would require more hands-on ground. Maybe its time to consider being a part of the team, signup as a volunteer here.


The Inner-City Foodbank and its network of pantries received multiple food supply this year. As part of the NGO’s contribution to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal of Zero Hunger, 51 million meals were distributed globally. In 2020, The Inner-City Mission is aiming to distribute 100 million meals to children and families around the world. The banks are open for your food deposits in 2020 and with increased support, Zero Hunger is achievable. #End Poverty Now


Goal 4: Quality Education



Here is cute 5-year-old Jamila with her ‘Back to School” kit. With the support of the partners, this year, The Inner-City Mission for Children sent over 32,000 out of school children in Jamaica, Nigeria, Pakistan, India and in other parts of the world. These children received free school supplies such as school bags, school uniforms,  stationery,  notebooks, school shoes,  socks, and pens. In 2020, there is a need to reach more children who are located in hard to reach locations.


The biggest challenge to reaching education goals is that there are many displaced children (IDP)in the world. The Inner City Mission has built five units of learning spaces at the Gubio IDP camp Maiduguri, Borno State. The Inner-City Mission collaborates with relevant agencies to provide safe learning spaces and school supplies. In 2020,   the Inner-City Mission has planned to establish more child learning centers in identified inner-city communities and IDP camps. In addition, the Inner-City Mission adopts orphanages and commits to the provision of essential food supplies all year round, and any special projects as the need arise.


Double impact in Yola



This year, the InnerCity Mission had the opening ceremony of a brand new school in Yola, Adamawa State, North-East Nigeria. This is the 8th School center that has been built and set up to benefit indigent children in the immediate environ of the Demsa Community. The structure is a testimony of the mission to continually be God’s outstretched arm of love. Not only do the Demsa community have a beautiful new school there was also the opening of a state of the art medical center.


It is a Happy New Year. Rember that ‘Every Child Is Your Child.’ This coming year and with we can achieve greater things in 2020.  United we can influence our world and ask others to join us as we take on the challenge of the poor and together lets ‘end poverty now.’



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