Join the Chris Oyakhilome Foundation International as we celebrate the Global Day of Parents on June 1st.


The Global Day of Parents was initiated by the United Nations (UN) in 2012 and is observed annually in honor of parents around the world.


“Emphasizing the critical role of parents in the rearing of children, the Global Day of Parents recognizes that the family has the primary responsibility for the nurturing and protection of children. For the full and harmonious development of their personality, children should grow up in a family environment and in an atmosphere of happiness, love and understanding,” the UN writes on its website and continues:


“Global Day of Parents provides an opportunity to appreciate all parents for their ‘selfless commitment to children and their lifelong sacrifice towards nurturing this relationship.’”


The UN underlines how parents over the past year have had the huge responsibility of protecting their families from COVID-19 and the fact that ‘without support from parents, children’s health, education and emotional well-being is at risk.’




Parenting courses to ensure strong families


The Chris Oyakhilome Foundation International admires parents around the world and supports them through various initiatives.


The organization, for instance, works to create safe and healthy homes for families and to ensure that the vision manifests itself in reality, the Chris Oyakhilome Foundation International sponsors parenting courses.


Those courses are meant to train parents to become great and responsible role models for their children.


The organization is particularly active in Nigeria, South Sudan, Chad, Liberia, India, Cambodia, Haiti, Malawi, Burundi and Ethiopia, where it reaches out to support vulnerable children and families.




COFI helps families in times of emergency


The purpose of the Chris Oyakhilome Foundation International is to reduce child poverty, ensure access to health care and education and distribute Christian materials. The overall outcome is happy, smiling children with a prosperous future ahead of them.


Pastor Chris Oyakhilome has always put the well-being of children and families first, which he not only made clear by establishing the Chris Oyakhilome Foundation International but also the InnerCity Mission for Children, which is a faith-based non-governmental humanitarian organization under the auspices of COFI.


The InnerCity Mission for Children was founded by Pastor Chris Oyakhilome in 2004, when he made the profound statement, “Every child is your child.”


Over the years, the Chris Oyakhilome Foundation International and the InnerCity Mission for Children have helped thousands of parents, children and families living in poverty all over the world.


Food and medical help was, for instance, sent to the victims of Cyclone Idai in Mozambique, Zimbabwe and Malawi in 2019, while the Chris Oyakhilome Foundation International donated food relief packages to people affected by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic in 2020.


Refugees in South Sudan and Nigeria have also received food, educational material and hygiene products from the organization.


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